The Church is not a building.  The Church is the people.  

We could not do what we do without the people who do what they do

to make the Eagle Rock Church not just a church, but a family.  

There are too many to name, but we see what you do, and we are grateful.

"I thank my God upon every remembrance of you."  

Philippians 1:3

  • Christian botello

    Associate Pastor


    Christian Botello was born and raised in Southern California. He earned his Bachelor of Arts in Biology from Pepperdine University and a Master of Divinity from La Sierra University. During most of his undergraduate years in college, he served as a spiritual life advisor to his peers.  While earning his Master of Divinity, he served as youth director at one of our local churches before coming to Eagle Rock. 

    Pastor Christian enjoys getting to know people and sharing Jesus with others. By sharing the gospel of God’s love and grace, he hopes to be able to lead others into a joyful and meaningful relationship with Christ. 

    Christian enjoys traveling, learning about different cultures, dining out, snowboarding, hiking, and spending time with family and friends.

  • zac de leon

    Youth Pastor


    Pastor Zac is joining us fresh out of seminary, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed (yes, Pastor Zac, apparently I'm comparing you to a squirrel).

    He has just joined our team, so we'll give him a few minutes to find his bearings before we make him bare his soul.

    For now we can tell you that we think he's a great guy, and we really like him (and not just because he can reach stuff on the high shelves for us).  

    Team Secretary approved  ('cause that totally matters...)

    (also, the kids really like him - I mean, really, anybody who is willing to dress up in a costume in front of the whole church and tell a story to the VBS kids gets a whole-hearted thumbs up)

    (also also, he brought me a donut last week, so...)

  • Krista Mchale  &  


    Administrative Assistants

    aka Team Secretary

    Krista and Janelle were both born and raised in Southern California, and have been members of the Eagle Rock SDA Church for over 20 years.  Their powers combined, this sibling duo makes up Team Secretary, the duct tape that holds the office together.  

    Krista is the brains of the operation, handling the majority of the human interaction and actual helpfulness.  Meanwhile, Janelle sidekicks like a champ, offering moral support like only a little sister can (when she's not hiding in a corner) and providing occasional comic relief.  

    They will eventually put up a photo to replace the field of sunflowers, but keep forgetting to actually take one (because they don't care overly much...) (and they both really like sunflowers).     :-)